Hi guys and gals,
Just to let you know, all of you Reggae fans, that Jnr. the son of Rob, has decided to continue, sharing Reggae mixes, with his twist on it, bringing in world music, all good things evolve. Jnr. has just shared the first mix 3000 to 3025, so continuing on from where his late father ended them. Will add a link to Rob's and now Jnr.'s site on here.
He is planning to also share some other mixes that his dad had compiled and Jnr. found on hard drives.
We will continue to post the rest of original mix here an vibes and maintain it for posterity. Within the next couple of weeks, we will have finished the original mix 1 to 2000 and the extended parts 2001 to 3000 (that wasn't posted on their site) but that I shared here.
I am so pleased that Jnr. has decided to follow in his father's footsteps and has decided to keep the blog open and bring new mixes to us. Good luck Jnr. am sure all will go well.
So go and get the first mix and don't forget to say thank you to Jnr. Click site below for the first post.
Good news!