17 February 2025

Update to We are thinking about things here.


Ok so after someone got the first volume of Golden Afrique Vol.1, the next two volume leeds asked for comments and email address so he would email the links from the site email. 

We received a comment from Richard (Richie)  saying there where no links, and leeds answered him saying send your details and I will email you them. This guy made another comment saying he had found them, well great, said comment wasn't published and leeds again said you wanted them all you need had to do was share your email details and you would have got them without searching the net.

Well this guy then posted vol 1 to 3 on another popular blog, which I am not going to name, today I downloaded these and checked them the first vol 1, which he got from us is 320 and vol 2 & 3 which, he got from wherever on the net were all low bitrate. He could have had the set in 320, but couldn't wait, need to post them elsewhere. All he had to do was share his details, madness. I had a search today for them and found all three volumes in 320. 

So that just forces the point home, yeah we can't stop people sharing what we post on another site, but if we control who gets the download links, we have a list of people who we know received the files and then we can control them better. 

So as far as things stand in the future leeds, Concha and myself (Reb) will still be sharing only with people who say thanks and send us their details, once we have your email address, all you will need to do is make a comment and we will email you the link, more work for us, but controls takers that are not thankers. 

If we get a nice group of people on the list it might mean I start to share things in flac, which won't happen, when we have no control. 



  1. No more links for you Richard (Richie)

    1. Stick to posting Big Yin

    2. LOL someone else knows this leech

  2. OH I think I know this guy and the site your talking about, shares stuff but in low bit rate, but at least he shares, more than some do. Got some stuff once, but when I saw the bit rates, looked on the net for upgrades and binned what he had shared.
